Crab Hunting

1 Day

Trip Info

  • Bus
  • Summer
  • Guided
  • English, Arabic
  • Yes
  • VISA, Mastercard
  • 4
  • 55


Crab hunting is an engaging outdoor activity that takes you to coastal areas and tidal zones where crabs thrive. Armed with a flashlight, a bucket, and a sense of adventure, you’ll embark on a quest to search for and catch crabs under the moonlit sky.

Equipment and Preparation:

To enjoy a successful crab hunting experience, it’s essential to come prepared. Here are some items you may need:

Flashlight: A powerful flashlight is crucial to spot crabs hiding in the darkness.

Bucket or container: Use a sturdy bucket or container to collect the crabs you catch.

Gloves: It’s recommended to wear gloves to protect your hands from any pinches or sharp edges.

Appropriate footwear: Wear closed-toe shoes or boots suitable for wading through wet or muddy areas.

Knowledge of the tides: Plan your crab hunting adventure during low tide when crabs are more likely to be exposed.

Crab Species and Behavior:

There are various species of crabs you may encounter during your hunt, such as blue crabs, fiddler crabs, ghost crabs, or red crabs. Each species has its unique characteristics and behaviors. Learning about their habits, preferred habitats, and feeding patterns can increase your chances of a successful catch.

Hunting Techniques:

While crab hunting can be a fun and recreational activity, it’s important to follow ethical practices and respect the environment. Here are some techniques commonly used during crab hunting:

Shine the flashlight: Use your flashlight to scan the shoreline, tidal pools, or sandy areas where crabs are likely to be hiding.

Move slowly and quietly: Crabs have a keen sense of vibration and can be easily startled. Move cautiously and avoid excessive noise to avoid scaring them away.

Use a net or scoop: Once you spot a crab, carefully approach it and use a net or scoop to catch it. Be mindful of the crab’s size and any local regulations regarding minimum size requirements or protected species.

Handle with care: Crabs have pincers that can deliver a pinch, so handle them gently and avoid placing your fingers near their claws.

Safety and Environmental Considerations:

When participating in crab hunting, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and environmental awareness:

Stay aware of your surroundings and be cautious when navigating coastal areas, especially in the dark.

Respect local regulations and guidelines regarding crab hunting, including any restrictions on catch limits or protected species.

Minimize your impact on the environment by leaving no trace behind. Avoid disturbing other wildlife or damaging their habitats.

Be mindful of tides and any potential hazards such as slippery rocks or deep tidal pools.

Culinary Delights:

After a successful crab hunting adventure, you may choose to cook and savor your catch. There are various delicious recipes for preparing crabs, including crab cakes, crab soup, or simply steaming or boiling them for a delightful seafood feast.

Crab hunting offers an exciting opportunity to connect with nature, learn about marine life, and enjoy an adventurous night out. Remember to research local regulations, follow ethical practices, and prioritize safety while having an unforgettable experience in the world of crabs.


  • Low Cost
  • Fun and Adventure
  • Family friendly


Day 01 :

Day 1:

Arrival and Settling In:

Arrive at your destination near the coastal area known for crab hunting.
Check into your accommodation and get settled in.
Familiarize yourself with the local tides and the best times for crab hunting.
Evening Preparations:

Gather your crab hunting equipment, including a flashlight, bucket, gloves, and appropriate footwear.
Research the local crab species, their behaviors, and preferred habitats.
Consult with local experts or guides for any specific tips or recommendations.
Crab Hunting Excursion:

As the sun sets, head out to the designated hunting area.
Use your flashlight to scan the shoreline, tidal pools, or sandy areas for crabs.
Move slowly and quietly, staying aware of your surroundings and avoiding any hazards.
Use a net or scoop to catch the crabs you spot, handling them gently and with care.
Enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of successful catches.
Beach Bonfire and Dinner:

After your crab hunting adventure, return to a designated beach area.
Build a bonfire and gather around its warmth.
Prepare and enjoy a delicious meal, including your fresh catch and other seafood delights.
Share stories and relax as you embrace the coastal ambiance.
Stargazing and Reflection:

Take advantage of the dark, clear skies for stargazing.
Lie back and marvel at the beauty of the night sky, away from city lights.
Reflect on your crab hunting experience and the wonders of nature.
Day 2:
6. Sunrise Beach Walk:

Wake up early and head to the beach to witness the sunrise over the horizon.
Take a leisurely walk along the shore, appreciating the tranquil morning atmosphere.
Coastal Exploration:

Spend the day exploring the coastal area.
Visit nearby beaches, tide pools, or nature reserves to observe other marine life and enjoy the scenic surroundings.
Consider participating in other beach activities like swimming, snorkeling, or beachcombing.
Local Cuisine and Culture:

Discover the local cuisine by indulging in seafood specialties at a coastal restaurant.
Immerse yourself in the local culture by exploring nearby towns or markets, learning about the coastal heritage and traditions.
Relaxation and Recreation:

After an eventful day, take some time to relax and unwind.
Enjoy the amenities of your accommodation, such as a pool or spa.
Engage in activities like beachside yoga, kayaking, or simply lounging by the shore.

Farewell and Departure:
Bid farewell to the coastal paradise and check out of your accommodation.
Depart for your next destination, carrying memories of your exciting crab hunting adventure.


Cost Inclusions

  • Crab Hunting Excursion
  • Guided Tour and educational experience.
  • Beach Bonfire
  • Coastal Walk
  • Wildlife Observation
  • Picnic on the Beach
  • Beachcombing
  • Sunrise/Sunset Watching
  • Beach Games and Recreation
  • Photography and Nature Appreciation:

Cost Exclusions

  • Activities which are not Included
Is crab hunting legal?

Crab hunting is legal in many coastal areas, but it’s important to check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits or licenses. Some locations may have restrictions on the types of crabs that can be caught or specific hunting seasons to ensure the sustainability of crab populations.

What equipment do I need for crab hunting?

Essential equipment for crab hunting typically includes a flashlight or headlamp, a bucket or container to hold the caught crabs, gloves to protect your hands, and appropriate footwear for navigating the coastal terrain. Additionally, you may need a net or scoop to catch the crabs

What are the best locations for crab hunting?

Coastal areas with sandy shores, tidal pools, or rocky areas are often prime spots for crab hunting. Researching local habitats, consulting with local experts, or joining guided tours can help you find the best locations for crab hunting in your chosen area.

What time of day is best for crab hunting?

Crab hunting is often most successful during low tide when crabs are more likely to be exposed and actively searching for food. Nighttime or early morning hunts can also be fruitful as many crab species are nocturnal.

What types of crabs can I expect to find during crab hunting?

The types of crabs you can find during crab hunting depend on the location. Common species include blue crabs, fiddler crabs, ghost crabs, and red crabs. Each species has distinct behaviors, habitats, and sizes, which can make the hunting experience more diverse and interesting.

How do I catch crabs without getting pinched?

While crabs can pinch, handling them carefully can minimize the risk. Use a net or scoop to catch them from behind or gently hold them by their back legs to avoid their pincers. Wearing gloves can also provide added protection.

What should I do with the crabs I catch?

If you catch crabs for recreational purposes, it’s best to release them back into their natural habitat after observing them. However, if you have the necessary permits and licenses, and the crabs are of legal size, you can keep them for cooking and enjoying a delicious seafood meal.

Are there any safety considerations during crab hunting?

It’s important to prioritize safety during crab hunting. Be aware of your surroundings, especially when navigating coastal areas with rocks or uneven terrain. Wear appropriate footwear to avoid slips or falls. Also, be cautious of the tides and plan your hunt accordingly to avoid getting stranded or caught by rising waters.

Can children participate in crab hunting?

Crab hunting can be a fun and educational activity for children, but supervision and proper safety measures are essential. Ensure children understand how to handle crabs safely and are aware of the potential risks associated with coastal environments.

How can I learn more about crab hunting?

To learn more about crab hunting, you can consult local experts, join guided tours, or participate in workshops or educational programs focused on coastal wildlife and crab habitats. Online resources, books, and documentaries can also provide valuable insights into the world of crab hunting.


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Crab Hunting
From $243
/ Adult
From $243
/ Child
  • Lowest Price
  • Fun Adventure
  • Guided Tour